A few months ago we were contacted by email by a lovely fellow at Cornwall Council who said he had heard good things about The Shellfish Pig from a sustainability perspective. He drew our attention to The 2016 Cornwall Sustainability Awards and suggested that we should apply for an award.
We realise that sustainability is a bit of a buzzword which can be thrown about casually by companies trying to align themselves with their target customer’s values, so; with the exception of a small section on our website our credentials aren’t something we shout about too much, despite it being something we believe passionately in!
We believe sustainability shouldn’t be used as an advertising gimmick, operating sustain-ably should just be what good, responsible companies do!
We completed the long application form where we discussed our alignment with The Cornwall Good Seafood Guide which helps to shape our choices when sourcing our seafood. We talked about the rest of our sourcing which involves no less than ten amazing Cornish producers and suppliers from less than 15 miles from our base here in Penryn. We also mentioned our herb gardens and allotment, use of Vegware Biodegradeable packaging and the recent sale of our generator meaning we no longer use a generator at all to run our business.

We then promptly forgot we had submitted an application so were excited and surprised in equal measure when we were contacted The Cornwall Sustainability Awards recently to say we had been shortlisted for an award!
We have no idea if we will win or not but as a very small business, trying our best with every meal we serve we are absolutely delighted to get some recognition for our efforts and sustainable practices. The Awards evening is at the start of December so I guess, for now it’s… watch this space!